About Us

We support individuals living in their own homes, by assisting and improving their quality of their lives whilst maintaining their independence and personal choices


Better days healthcare Ltd provide services to people in the following service user groups

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seniors managers

We recognise that for most service users the most important people in our organisation are the care workers with whom they will have regular contact.Our staff will play a very important role in the service users’ welfare.

Our Team & Mangers


Simon Tavengwa

Simon has worked in health care services since 2010 and has held several roles as healthcare worker/support worker. He has worked in various establishments including private and NHS hospitals as well as working within the domiciliary care sector.


Memory Tavengwa

Memory is an experienced, compassionate, and dedicated individual with more than 20 years’ experience of working in the healthcare sector. She has worked in various care establishments including hospitals, residential and nursing homes, the recruitment and selection process of healthcare staff throughout his career. 

Our mission is to deliver a service of the highest standard that will improve and sustain the overall quality of life of users of our service.

At Betterdays

we are a trusted care agency dedicated to creating a future where your loved ones age gracefully, supported by compassionate and tailored care services. We understand the importance of providing reliable and personalized care that enhances the well-being and quality of life for seniors and their families.

With years of experience in the industry, our mission is to redefine the standards of care by delivering exceptional services that prioritize dignity, respect, and compassion. We believe that every individual deserves to age with grace and maintain their independence, surrounded by a supportive and nurturing environment.

About Us
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